Wary of tea party, GOP attacks Senate candidate
Wary of tea party, GOP attacks Senate candidate WASHINGTON (AP) - Delaware Republicans call Senate hopeful Christine O'Donnell a liar who "could not be elected dog catcher" in a fierce attack that underscores GOP fears of the tea party-backed candidate knocking off top recruit Rep. Mike Castle and winning the nomination.
Stunned by tea partier Joe Miller's upset of Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Republicans are taking no chances in Delaware, which holds its primary Sept. 14. The party sees Castle, the state's lone congressman since 1993, as the best candidate for the seat long held by Vice President Joe Biden.
Republicans circulated audio of a testy, 22-minute interview that O'Donnell had with radio station WGMD on Thursday. Party officials also have said she inflated her resume and made flat-out untrue statements while being dogged by questions about tax liens and foreclosures. Castle says she has misrepresented his record.
"She's not a viable candidate for any office in the state of Delaware," state party chairman Tom Ross, who is backing Castle, said in a telephone interview. "She could not be elected dog catcher."
Castle's campaign began running radio ads on Thursday and prepared negative television ads against O'Donnell. The radio ads cite a News Journal of Wilmington, Del., report on O'Donnell's finances and declares her "a financial nightmare."
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Wary of tea party, GOP attacks Senate candidate
IF, and I DO say IF, Christine O'Donnell is what the GOP claims her to be, she has NO business being the Senator from Delaware. "According to the News Journal, O'Donnell has become a professional candidate, living off contributions from her two failed campaigns," the announcer says. "While leaving a trail of unpaid bills to vendors and staff, O'Donnell instead used those donations for her own personal expenses and rent. ... While you work hard to pay your bills and taxes, Christine O'Donnell lives by different rules."
I sincerely hope that they have full citation of those accusations and that it's not just more political games taking shape. The Tea Party Express has announced a six-figure commitment to back O'Donnell. The group announced its first expenditures - more than $46,000 - late Thursday and put the anticipated cost at about $250,000.
"We are launching an aggressive multimedia and multiplatform campaign to help propel Christine O'Donnell to victory, and we've only just begun," said Amy Kremer, chairman of the Tea Party Express.
And I hope the TEA Party Express has their ducks in a row too. I would hate to see them spend that much money on a candidate that is not what they say they are.