Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tea Party or Establishment, GOP Looks for Gains

Tea Party or Establishment, GOP Looks for Gains
WILMINGTON, Del. -- In the turbulent year of the tea party, Republican Rep. Mike Castle of Delaware set out to jangle no nerves as he ran for a Senate seat long held by Vice President Joseph Biden. It's the way Republican strategists originally envisioned 2010, a roster of seasoned politicians pointing the party toward significant gains in the Senate.

"He brings our style of civility and independence to Washington and works to develop solutions," is the soothing, even quaint message on the 71-year-old lawmaker's campaign website, which shows him in a suit and tie, working alone at his desk. Experience "is hugely important," he said in an interview.

After two terms as governor and nine as the state's lone congressman, Castle appears better positioned than other veterans who faced a tea party-backed challenge this year. If he prevails over Christine O'Donnell on Sept. 14 -- he and GOP officials have launched a fierce counterattack -- he would join more than a half-dozen other veteran Republican officeholders on the ballot in Senate races.

In matters of style as well as policy and political experience, they are the polar opposite of Rand Paul of Kentucky, Sharron Angle of Nevada and Ken Buck in Colorado, all of whom tapped into an anti-government sentiment, espouse politically risky positions, won primaries over establishment candidates, and now face particularly difficult races in the fall.

Full Story Here:

Tea Party or Establishment, GOP Looks for Gains
One thing is a certainty, the TEA Party has garnered a great deal of attention and we have a lot of notice from politicians on ALL sides of the spectrum.

The Democrats call us names and the Republicans are thinking that maybe we're taking the Grand Old Party over and making it go Conservative again.

That means we ARE doing the RIGHT thing.

One thing bothers me greatly, the GOP has made it clear, they intend to co-opt the TEA Party.
"We don't need a lot of Jim DeMint disciples," Lott told the Washington Post, referring to the conservative South Carolina senator who has been a gadfly for party leadership and a champion for upstart conservative candidates. "As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them." Republican Lobbyist Trent Lott: "As Soon As Tea Party Candidates Arrive, We Need To Co-opt Them"
I don't know about you, but speaking for ME, I won't be co-opted by anyone, especially the RINO infested GOP.

I am personally acquainted with a TEA Party group, not a part of it, I just know quite a few of their members, and that group is a GOP creation. Inspired and created to promote GOP ideas in their town and county. For that very reason, I have personally cut all ties with that group.

The TEA Party was NOT designed to be a wing of the GOP. It was NOT designed to be co-opted BY the GOP. The TEA Party was designed to take the Conservatives of this nation to a place they haven't been in a while. A place where true Conservatism is the plan. A place where RINO politics isn't allowed.

For those that don't know, RINO = Republican In Name Only, in other words, a conservative Republican when the mood strikes them, or the need hits them. Think John McCain.

It's all about our Core Values America, and standing up for what's RIGHT, not necessarily what's popular.