The Rowlett TEA Party identified 5 issues we considered important for our group to be involved in. One of those issues is the unsustainability of the City of Rowlett's pension system for employees. Based on an analysis from the city, Rowlett will be required to nearly double the amount of money that it contributes to employee pension plans. The City Council is meeting tonight to discuss the issue.
There is a specially called Work Session of the City Council on Monday night, February 28, at the Rowlett City Hall Conference Room, beginning at 6:30pm. I urge you to attend. The agenda and packet is attached.
The first agenda item is to consider City Employee Benefits. The City Manager is offering to change the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS) plan for Rowlett by reducing the retirement COLA from 70% to 50% and eliminating the supplemental death benefit. This will save $129,736 on an annual basis. It is a good beginning.
However, the proposed reductions do not make any significant impact on the issue of sustainability that is such a severe issue for the City.
These two changes will only reduce the operating budget by $700,000 and then only after five years! The City CFO estimates a multi-million budget shortage in future years unless dramatic changes are made.
Also at issue is the timing of approval and implementation of any change to TMRS. The City Manager wants the City Council to approve changes on March 15. The City Council agreed to meet on March 19 in an all-day Work Session to consider the operating budget in a comprehensive manner and for multiple years. No piecemeal decision should be made until that comprehensive review is completed and communicated to the Rowlett taxpayers. The earliest that an ordinance should be considered is April 5.
Please plan to attend. Bring your friends with you. It is important that the City Council sees and understands citizen interest in this issue and that they will be held accountable for their votes. This item should be completed by 7:30pm.