In case you haven't noticed, in Dallas County, it worked like a charm - again. No county-wide office in Dallas County was won by a Republican. In the counties surrounding Dallas County, the opposite was true. In both cases, the results of the election put in office several candidates from both major parties that may cause lasting damage to the principle of Limited Government that the Rowlett TEA Party holds dear. (I will not name names here, but if you ask me in person I'll be happy to share.)
The Dallas Morning News ran its bi-annual piece on the matter in conjunction with State Senator Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, filing legislation to prohibit the straight-party option on the ballot. The article lays out some the arguments for eliminating this anti-democratic practice and I encourage you to read it.
Straight-party voting skews results, is bad for democracy, foes say
State Rep Dan Branch, a Republican representing Park Cities and surrounding Dallas neighborhoods, also known as Dallas' "gayborhoods", is considering filing similar legislation to Senator Wentworth's in the Texas House. Please take a moment to encourage him to do so. While you are at it, contact your local state representative and let them know,
"No Straight-Party ballots in Texas"
Dan Branch (R)
3953 Maple Avenue
Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75219
(214) 745-5768
(214) 745-5883 Fax
Joe Driver (R)
201 South Glenbrook Dr.
Garland, TX 75040
(972) 276-1556
(972) 276-8207 Fax
Jodie Laubenberg (R)
Rockwall County Office:
603 N. Goliad
Rockwall, Texas 75087
(972) 772-8525
(972) 722-3377 Fax
Collin County Office
206 N. Murphy Road
Murphy, Texas 75094
(972) 468-4189 Phone