Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chicago Tea Party Gets a Bomb Scare for their Christmas Party

Chicago Tea Party Gets a Bomb Scare for their Christmas Party
by Publius

Big Government Contributor Michael Volpe passes along this statement from the Chicago Tea Party:
Last Friday we held our downtown Christmas Party at Dugan’s Irish Pub.

We had a great crowd and the bar was filled with Christmas cheer until smoke began to fill the entire venue.

At approximately 8 p.m. the Chicago Fire Department were called to the bar to put out what was a very smoked filled bar.

After waiting outside for nearly an hour, we were told that the bar was closed for the night and we were asked to gather our belongings.

There were four small dynamite looking devices found in the men’s bathroom, smoldering in the trash can.

The following evening I received a phone call from Chicago Police Department Bomb and Arson officials.

Written on the lid of one of the toilets were: F*CK THE TEA PARTY

Bomb and arson officials have deemed this incident an arson.

Luckily, nobody was hurt, however, the good people of Dugan’s lost an awful lot of money.

Police are investigating and we are not going away
The whole statement is here. Of course, no one is reporting the left and the media keep trying to tell us about the violent aspects of the tea party. They are right about one thing; there is violence associated with the tea party, but it is violence directed AT the tea party.

Original Story Here:

Chicago Tea Party Gets a Bomb Scare for their Christmas Party
All I can say to my fellow TEA Party members is this, be ever vigilant, and always be prepared.

Yeah, I know, it's Chicago, but we CAN have things happen here too. Some of you were at the Rowlett Candidates Forum back before the last election. How many of you were ARMED? And yeah, I know, it was a church, but the question still stands, how many of you were ARMED?

I know of at least 3 TEA Party members and 3 candidates that were armed, that's just the ones I know about.

It's called preparation, it's called exercising caution. It's called SELF DEFENSE in Texas.