FreedomWorks, the conservative political organization that spent millions of dollars helping to elect tea party-backed candidates across the country, is hosting a retreat in Baltimore on Thursday and Friday to encourage congressional Republicans to stay true to the small-government principles they espoused during the campaign.That's a great start, keep it in their heads, 'YOU work for US and WE can, and WILL fire you if you make a move to The Dark Side'.
FreedomWorks' chairman, former House majority leader Richard K. Armey, and its president, Matt Kibbe, will talk to incoming and returning Republicans about not setting aside their advocacy for lower taxes and spending in the interest of finding favor with Republican leaders or scoring valuable committee assignments.
"We have to move from the election cycle and a year in which Americans across the country have been expressing concern and talking about what they don't want from their government to where we start to move toward with what we do want," said Republican Sen.-elect Mike Lee of Utah in a telephone interview from the Hyatt Regency on Baltimore's Inner Harbor. "We will be talking about ideas on how to move forward."
The retreat highlights the potential for conflict between Republican leaders and new members who campaigned forcefully on a message to change the culture of Washington - and who, in some cases, took aim as much at Republicans as Democrats for their role in allowing spending, earmarks, taxes and the national debt to spiral upward.
Full Story Here:
FreedomWorks retreat seeks to refocus Republican lawmakers on tea party goals
Earlier today, I posted this on my personal blog: Earmark dispute splits GOP senators.
It can't be stressed too often, we must be ever vigilant. Our nation faces great peril from ALL fronts, one of the greatest perils we face is the GOP (RINOs) and Democrats that spend OUR money like there is no tomorrow.
At the rate these guys have been going, there may well BE no tomorrow if we're not careful and keep a constant eye on what goes on in American politics.
And so it begins…
The RINOs love pork just as much as the Dems. I told my readers before the election, ‘as soon as the elections are over, we’ll see a resurgence in the RINO herd’, and we are. NOW is the time to put a lid on it too. STOP these out of control RINOs from spending money this nation doesn’t have. NOW is the time for the entire GOP and ALL Conservatives to stand and tell a few Senators NO! A word that HATE to hear.