Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Rowlett TEA Party endorses Sen. Bob Deuell for TX 2

The Rowlett TEA Party endorses Sen. Bob Deuell for TX 2

There are a lot of GOOD people saying a lot of GOOD things regarding Se. Bob Deuell, and we are in 100% agreement, Bob Deuell IS the BEST choice for Texas Senate District Two.

Some other endorsements for Sen. Deuell:

“Deuell, 59, a Greenville physician and former school board member, has emerged over four lawmaking sessions as a thoughtful, engaged lawmaker and a resource for colleagues on health issues.”
-Dallas Morning News-

“This fellow is a champion. He is a fine conservative. He is a soldier and a champion for keeping taxes low.”
-Lt. Governor David Dewhurst-

“Dr. Bob Deuell is the model public servant. I have often said that I believe he is the best State Senator in Texas and I look forward to working with him for years to come.”
-Mayor John Harper, Rowlett-

“That's where GOP Sen. Bob Deuell earns his pay. The Greenville physician stepped in once again to guide the Senate through
the maze of health spending.”
-Dallas Morning News-

"One reason we do have great freedom here in the State of Texas, is because we have a State Senator that has represented us in the manner we want to be represented. I've known Senator Deuell for quite some time and I'm proud to have him be my State Senator."
- Pat Chase, Treasurer, Hopkins County GOP -

"You're a good doctor, a doggone good Senator and one terrific friend. And I thank you and your wife for everything you've done."
- The Hon. Ralph Hall, U.S. Congressman -


More Endorsements for Sen. Deuell