Monday, December 20, 2010

Today is the LAST CHANCE to have our opinions heard on Net Neutrality

Tomorrow the FCC will vote on a series of rule changes that will give it the authority to regulate broadband rates under the guise of making sure the Internet remains open and free. The FCC is attempting to implement these "Net Neutrality" rules circumventing Congress and violating a court ruling denying the agency the authority to do so.

Today, the Rowlett Texas TEA Party sent a letter to the 5 commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
“We the People” do not want “net neutrality”!
The internet is the only place where all may express their views without censorship. If someone does not like what the author has written they can leave that site and find one that espouses their views. For the government or a government appointed agency to impose or restrict open dialogue and/or free speech is a direct violation or our 1st Amendment rights.

Please remember that our Creator gives us rights and we “ENTRUST” some of these rights to the government to preserve; NOT remove. Free Speech is a natural right but access to the internet is NOT A NATURAL RIGHT, Civil or otherwise. Access to the internet may be obtained in our RIGHT TO PURSUE HAPPINESS, but it is NOT a guaranteed right.

Commissioner Copps has stated in an interview to the BBC that America” is not producing as much news” and “there is no oversight of the media”; oh, and perhaps there should be a “public value test”.


If We the People do not like what is being said we will change the channel or the station. If there are fewer viewers or listeners then they (the stations) will go out of business. That is the way the free market works!

In his latest rant Rev. Al Sharpton wants the FCC to take Rush Limbaugh off the public airwaves because he (Sharpton) is offended by what Rush says. If Mr. Sharpton is offended, then he too can change the channel or station.

Any action by the FCC to infringe on our 1st Amendment rights is mirroring dictatorial actions imposed by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela!

The members of the Rowlett Texas TEA Party

CC: Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
Senator John Cornyn
Representatives Ralph Hall, Sam Johnson, and Jeb Hensarling
I would like to encourage all of you to send a similar note to the five FCC commissioners, our Senators, and your Congressional Representative.

Chairman, Julius Genachowski
Commissioner Michael J Copps
Commissioner Robert McDowell
Commissioner Mignon Clyburn
Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

284 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4304

10440 N. Central Expressway
Suite 1160
Dallas, Texas 75231
Senator John Cornyn

517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
Main: 202-224-2934

5001 Spring Valley Road, Suite 1125 E
Dallas, TX 75244
Main: 972-239-1310

Representative Ralph Hall

2405 Rayburn H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515-0001
Tel No: 202-225-6673

104 N. San Jacinto St.
Rockwall, TX 75087-2508
Tel No: 972-771-9118

Collin County Courts Facility
1800 N. Graves St., Ste 101
McKinney, TX 75069-3322
Phone: 214-726-9949

Representative Sam Johnson

1211 Longworth Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

2929 N. Central Expy, Ste 240
Richardson, Texas 75080

Representative Jeb Hensarling

129 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3484

6510 Abrams Road, Suite 243
Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: 214-349-9996