Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Now What?

Last night the political landscape in Texas changed dramatically. Most "experts" on Texas politics were calling for up to a 10 seat gain for the GOP in the Texas House of Representatives. While there may be some seats in dispute, as of this morning, the GOP looks to have 99 or more seats in the House. That is a 2 to 1 margin in the House! Just as nearly all the statewide races went 2 to 1 for the GOP.

Now we can start to have an influence. I almost feel like a kid in a candy store. With these margins, there is no need for the GOP to tiptoe around some truly conservative causes:

Could we actually see the Texas House nullify the mis-labeled Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?

Is it possible, the GOP House will actually support choice in education?

Will the GOP leadership actually reverse the tide of our expanding Texas government and actually cut or eliminate big government programs?

The answer to all these questions depends on us, and grassroots activists across the state to infuse some political courage into our state reps.

 Let's roll!